SafeWatch Team™
Discretion. Collection. Actionable Information.
A pragmatic and proven Workplace Violence Prevention information tool for Security Professionals, HR, General Counsel and Threat Management Teams.
The SafeWatch Team™ provides a cost-effective quick information gathering response that places a Person of Concern under SafeWatch. Information is then provided to Threat Assessment and Management professionals regarding POC's activities, vehicle description, people with whom he associates and POC's location.
Caution → Physical surveillance is effective only if experienced and high-level Surveillance-Investigators are used to surveil Persons of Concern who have threatened workplace violence: How to Choose Surveillance-Investigators for a HIgh-Stakes Assignment
Six of our core SafeWatch Team™ members have worked together on private sector physical surveillances for over 12-years, a necessary chemistry for a successful SafeWatch.
($ 3,500) Standard Cost for Initial Quick Response: Two Tier-1 Physical Surveillance-Investigators will locate and for 12-hours discreetly watch a POC and in real time and report activities and location.
Our partner expert consultants can provide or assist in developing a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan for your business. Cal/OSHA Workplace Violence Prevention Guidance and Resources CA Gov OSHA WVPP.
SafeWatch Team™ - For evidentiary support, SWT Surveillance-Investigator discreetly video records a celebrity stalker violating a TRO.
(2020) Mike Wolivar serves a TRO on a Person of Concern with a history of violence and stalking. LAPD officers assisted in the service. SafeWatch Team™ surveiled POC to ensure Security, HR and General Counsel always aware of POC's activities and POC's location 24/7. Employees at threatened workplace reported to have said their worry and stress was significantly reduced knowing the POC's activities and location were known.
Additional Support Services for Threat Management:
Typical clients for SafeWatch Team™ → Threat Intelligence Analysts ⎮ Threat Assessment and Management Professionals ⎮ Large Security & Investigative Companies ⎮ Behavioral Psychologists ⎮ Human Resources ⎮ Corporate Security ⎮ General Counsel